Tag Archives: Republicans

Foreigners, Terrorists, and the Constitution

The preamble of the Constitution says the following:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

When we take a close look at that paragraph we can see the first few words clearly, “We the people of the United States…”   Without getting into the fine details of grammar, this is the subject of the sentence, it is ‘we the people’ who do all that is mentioned afterward, and that is what is important.  We do the following: establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for common defense, promote general welfare, and most importantly SECURE THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY TO OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY ordain and establish the Constitution.

I have bolded this part because, while listing all of the items is important, “We the people secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our children, etc.” is the most important idea.  We do not secure the blessings of liberty for the Germans, nor for the Sudanese, nor anyone else.  The Constitution is meant to serve us, We the People, not to serve or protect foreigners who attack us and wish to see us and our Constitution destroyed.  Anything We the People decide to willfully extend to foreigners is just that: an extension based on good will, NOT a promise to the same protections We the People have secured for ourselves.  Courts and judges have tried to force us, the people, to grant the same protections and rights to foreign terrorists as if they were a citizen who might be accused of stealing a pair of shoes from a neighborhood store.

In what sane mind can one actually think that granting Constitutional protections to those dedicated to destroying the Constitution and our culture is a good idea?  If we win, they get to be imprisoned and write motivational letters to help in the war against us.  IF we lose…  there will be no Constitution, though there may be sharia.

We the People need to stand up and guard jealously our liberty and re-secure it against those who wish to take it from us, or extend it to those who want to destroy us.

H1N1 and the Uninsured

With so few people dying because of H1N1 and the fact that it appears that most normal strains of flu are equally as lethal, and spread much quicker, why is this rather unimpressive virus still in the news?

Could it be an attempt to push socialized medicine?  Perhaps.

“At top labs, scientists are optimistic they can make a vaccine that’s effective against the new virus. But in a country where one in seven people lack medical insurance, doctors worry that some individuals won’t get needed protection because of cost.”

Yes, the corporations are concerned that one in seven (if we accept that number as truth) people will miss out on a chance to give them money.  Remember, so far this virus hasn’t moved quickly, nor is it very lethal.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Rep. Lois Capps, D-Calif., have introduced legislation to pay for temporary medical treatment for uninsured people during a public health emergency. It could be a natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane, a bioterror attack, or a medical emergency such as a flu pandemic. “We can’t afford to have barriers that keep people from getting care when an epidemic is sweeping the community,” Capps said. Separately, Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, has proposed to offer all individuals a free flu shot each year.

Strangely, with a budget busting at the seams, a down economy, and an unstable world, Congress seems to find new ways to spend money we do not have on projects the Constitution does not permit.   A ‘free’ (as if no one pays for it) flu shot every year?   Outstanding for the corporations.   No need to advertise, no need to do anything but lobby government.   Remember President (then candidate) Obama talking about how tired he was of lobbies and PACs?   Good to see Congress feels this way.

The reason this is all being able to be done is because the world is fearing a rather plain virus as if it were a sweeping plague.   Remember: “Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste,” Mr. Emanuel said in an interview on Sunday. “They are opportunities to do big things.”

Obama’s ‘Spread the Wealth’ comment, and Emanuel’s comment show their plan…. they lay it before us to see, and we the people fall for it.  They tell us we’re entitled to it, and so many Americans have no sense of self-worth, or understanding of cause and effect, so many Americans swallow it hook, line, and sinker and actually think they are indeed entitled to so many things.  Wake up America, do something for yourselves… and keep doing it.

Us Versus Them

With the Obama Administration reaching into the intelligence community and pulling out images and documents in an effort to attack not terrorist acts (or man caused disasters), nor to fight the war on terror (or  Overseas Contingency Operations), but to attack the previous administration and attempt to smear their efforts.

Let us understand one thing without any lack in clarity:  If someone or some group wants to kill you you must take them at their word and kill them first.    If you are entrusted with the care and responsibility to protect someone or some group of people and they are targets to die, then you once again must take the aggressors at their words and kill them first.   If you can not accept this responsibility or feel that taking lesser steps is a worthy endeavor then you are not fit to have the responsibility.

The current administration wants the world to think that it is so nuanced and sensitive to the ways of the world — unlike that last administration — that if we all sit down and talk about it we can find some common ground.  ‘It’ can be anything from nuclear weaponry to soothing the troubled minds of those who wish to destroy our society, culture, and country.  This administration is as foolish as it is bold.

What the administration fails to understand, or decides to ignore, is that there is a cultural element to their actions.  Those who want us eliminated are not doing it because we looked at them sideways, it is because they do not like us at the very core of our being.   This can not be changed by talking, hand shakes, and smiles.   Our culture and by commercialism, our products, end up heading into their culture and this is something many of them will not tolerate.  Let us look at this from the perspective of a moderate, yet relatively conservative member of their society.   We’ll use Afghanistan as the backdrop, though several other nations / cultures could apply, but since that is where al-Qaida found friends in the Taliban, it works well for this example.

So we have a moderate, yet relatively conservative member of any of the various groups in Afghanistan who sees Western culture and particularity American culture seeping into his society.   He sees the blue jeans, T-Shirts, baseball caps, and other non-traditional clothing and accessories coming in and being worn by children, teens, and young adults.  He looks around and also hears American music – loud and noisy to him – and American mannerisms making their their way into the streets and worse yet, homes of all these people.   He sees Hollywood in American movies with all the sex and drugs, the way women are portrayed, the way men are portrayed, and it is disturbing to him. He sees that this own values and beliefs are being marginalized by his own society and his own people.  The same lack of respects for elders and strangers, and even family members he sees in American culture is now beginning to stick in Afghanistan and it is far too much to take.

For the sake of understanding, let us reverse the situation for Western societies and Western culture.  In the midst of our lives a different culture’s elements seeping into our lives without warning or understanding.   Movies, horrible musicals, are on the big screen with women and men all wearing clothing foreign to us, and behaving far too politely for common conversation where asking how one is doing and how one’s family is doing actually is a question where the response matters — unlike here where answering, “How are you?” is practically asking for a place on the shrinks couch, because most people do not care.  In this other culture, if you do not respond honestly, and ask the same in return you are now looked upon as some sort of rude, uncivilized, non-caring cur who is unfit for further conversation.

This affects the way we do business, and in a room with several people, this can make meetings go on longer and longer without any business being done.   This is irksome, but most of us deal with the change in culture and try to make the best of it.  In that same business room, most all of the people (women and men) are wearing different clothing now, the kind of clothing found in Afghanistan and that region, and some women are even wearing full burqas.  Because you still wear a suit and tie, or business casual, you can hear side conversations about this and the looks on some of the peoples’ faces makes it seem like you’re out of touch and even that you are slowing down progress to a better tomorrow.  You’re not with the times anymore.

Churches are closed, and eventually those practicing religions other than Islam are discriminated against, and some even beaten by those more ‘excitable’ types who are tired of people following an obviously wrong religion.   All images of women portraying them as sex objects and otherwise degrading ways have been eliminated and those still holding on to those images are being punished severely.  The local high school stadium is used for a venue to view all the capital punishment cases – which now include adultry (especially if the female seduced the male) drug sellers, some drug users, practitioners of witchcraft (you didn’t even know these people existed), and those who have blasphemed Allah.

Pressure has turned to threats from neighbors, co-workers, and even some family members because your wife, nor daughter(s) are wearing the correct attire for this new society and your youngest daughter even seems to want to wear it all voluntarily and asks that you marry her off to a man who can provide for her, but to make sure he isn’t overly abusive if she makes a mistake.  She asks this very politely to you, almost cringing because of the nature of your request.

Eventually you can not take it anymore  — your world has changed and so have too many people you know and love.  This is not the best way for society, this is craziness.   You find a group of people with similar thoughts – those who wish to remove such influences from their lives and society as well.  Protesting results in prison or death in the stadiums, so when you act the actions must be severe and beyond question.   At first you only provide material support and let them meet once in a while in your garage, but this is not getting any results.

Now your children all wear this clothing, have gotten rid of all your CDs, tapes, and records of rock and roll, rap, and any other offensive material that you ‘forgot’ to turn in.  Your frustration builds as you see your daughters fumbling around in burqas, your son turning into a religious zealot who hears nothing in way of contrary ideas and even turns in those for professing them.  Your world is may be too far gone to get back, but you must try.   This can not continue.  And so you do what you feel you must do…

Now let us go back to Afghanistan’s situation and take a look again at how they see us treating our wives, sisters, and daughters — they are objectified, there are places where prostitution is legal, women are called ‘bitches and hos’, and women are forced to work their entire lives in order to provide for their family.  They see drug abuse, the effects on the family and society, they see our problems with the border of Mexico with drugs and cringe.   They see Hollywood pushing movies without substance — movies about dysfunctional families, movies making jokes about the ills of society, not to mention purely pornographic movies where others’ sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, expose themselves in disgusting way all for the camera to see.   How are these things good for the family?   Do Western cultures even care about their own families?  Billboards of practically naked women trying to sell alcohol?   Does anyone really aspire to have that as their future?   Western society has failed in their eyes because the family is of no importance.

Abortion, the killing of the newest members of the family, divorce for no real reason other than becoming bored with each other, and so many other ideas that are common in our society are disgusting to theirs.  Religious views where people do not agree and even question the words in the holy books?   This can not be a good sign.  Homosexuality on display for all to see?   Never.

This is the picture they have.    It is as disturbing to them as the previous picture is to us.   I do not have a daughter, but if I did there is no way she will ever be forced to wear a burqa.  There is no way she’ll ever have to attend an inferior school and then drop out to be married off to someone she doesn’t know and could be two, three or even four times her age.  I will fight those who try to make that happen, and I’ll do anything to make it so she does not have to live in that world.  Wouldn’t most fathers?  Wouldn’t most mothers? Wouldn’t most brothers?

With this understanding of yourself and how you feel about your own family and close friends, and what you would do for them, why is it so hard to see that another culture, quite different from ours but still its own, would also feel the same about change?   This is not a rant about cultural relativism – an idea I find idiotic, this is about understanding that while we appreciate our own culture and ways of living, other feel the same about their own to the point that they feel they have no choice but to take matters into their own hands.

Thus, it does not matter if you call them terrorists, insurgents, freedom-fighters, or anything else.  They want to destroy me and my way of life, they have stated as much and they have even hit us on our soil, and if you look at it as a cultural assault, then you should include London 7/7 bombings, and the 3/11 Madrid bombings as hitting our soil.  They want to remove our direct and indirect ability to influence their society by any means possible.  These people will not stop to talk to us, unless it benefits them to do so.  Would you stop to talk to those who are changing your society so that they can still change it?   There is no way to stop people from importing American culture.  It is found everywhere in the world to a greater or lesser degree.  Since they can not stop the influence they can only stop the originators: US.   You and me.  We are targets.

President Obama does not understand this, or he chooses to ignore this.   Either way, this is the situation and there is only one group who will win.   This will not be won over night, but we can do what it takes to make certain we do not lose overnight.   The President needs to honor his duty and responsibility to keep Americans alive.  One good way is to eliminate those who have the desire, the will, the determination, and the resolve to kill us.  It is a sign of weakness to negotiate with someone who says they will kill you.   It shows that you are not willing to take action first.

There is a well-known saying that goes something like, “On defense you only need to be wrong once to feel the effects, on offense you can afford to be wrong with much less of an adverse  effect.”

In this battle it is us versus them, our ideas versus theirs, our culture versus theirs, our lives versus theirs.  Where do you stand when it comes to protecting your family, your close friends, your country?  Where does the enemy?   Where does the President?

Small Government is the Only Way

For far too long the federal government has been taking over more and more power and more and more freedom from the people of the United States.   This has happened under Republican and Democrat administrations – neither are immune from criticism.  I have taken time to illustrate many of the actions taking place which are eroding our freedom and I have attempted to explain why it is in our interest to reduce and then enforce the limits put on the federal government by instruments like the Constitution and the judicial system which is supposed to clarify the limit of the federal government.

From many troubling elements of the Patriot Act (most every congressman voted for this without reservation), the Campaign Finance Reform Act (sponsored by John McCain), to most everything President Obama’s administration has done show that were are heading down the road to federal totalitarianism quicker and quicker.    I am not completely against the Patriot Act, and I can even see the need to have passed it in its whole after 11 September and the realization that we were not well equiped to deal with the modern threats to our security, but that time as passed, for a while, it has been an appropriate time to look over all the parts of this legislation – line by line – and get rid of the more questionable and downright unconstitutional elements of the bill.   For instance, the fact that, if I see my neighbor’s house being searched by the feds, the feds can order me to NOT speak about it to anyone or else I myself may face federal charges.   Considering that I am a conservative / libertarian blogger, you can imagine how well that sits with me.

The McCain Feingold Act (Campaign Finance Reform), puts restrictions on both when I can speak and how I can speak regarding a candidate, as well as limiting the amount of money I can give to a candidate directly.   This last part may seem good on the surface, but what needs to be remembered is that the entrenched politicians who cater to the needs of their parties can get soft money from those parties as well as the fact that the parties can run ads and smears against the opponents just fine.   but if I were to run as either an ‘off the reservation’ Republican, or as an Independent, I would not get that money from the party organ, and with the limit people can give me how would I ever be able to compete against the parties in power?  I can not.  I can not get my word out enough, because I can not get money in the same amount as the parties of the status quo.  All this passed with a name as friendly as ‘finance reform’ since so many people thought it was a bad thing to see so much money in politics.   Did it work?  Not at all.  There is more money in politics today than yesterday, and tomorrow will have even more.   The powers-that-be know how to manipulate the system — they wrote the law, but you and I can get hammered if we fall out of line.

President Obama’s administration has taken control of the 19 largest banks, has pushed for the removal of a CEO of a large auto maker, and constantly is having his people push an agenda of growing control — all in the name of us, the people, or more disturbingly, the environment.   This is an incredibly large power grab mixing private business, publically traded corporations, and the government into the same pool where to object is to be moved off the scene.   The same Congress who rallies around these ideas is also the one who gives more money to supporters via pork barrel ear marks, yet complains and fakes outrage when AIG, who was forced to take money, pays some of the better executives it has bonuses that are of a smaller whole value as well as percentage than the pork barrel corruption in congress (versus the bailout money vis a vis budget).  AIG bonuses: Less than 1% of all bailout money given to them, Congress: Pork barrel spending between 1% and 2%.   Millions vs. hundreds of billions.

Complicit in this abuse of power is the media who seem more interested in smearing AIG and the Tea Parties than in asking tough questions and bringing concerns about Congress’ spending and politial theater.  There is a media mentality that truly thinks that it can not be the average citizen who is upset with the government, it must just be those people on DHS’ list of potential threats.    This thought is why they treated the Tea Parties the way they did.

We need less decisions being made in Washington and we need less of our money going to support their spending.   Congress’ addiction to spending our money for what benefits them as well as Congress habit of ignoring their Constitutional limitation shows that the danger is not from extremists on the right or even from the left — the danger lies in the hands and pens of the law makers at the federal level.   We need to remind these politicians who is in charge and who is the servant.

President Obama’s Method of International Relations

Giving DVDs usable in North America to the PM of Britain, Obama’s State Department’s inability to translate a ‘Reset Button’, as well as stating that The United Kingdom is just another nation… nothing special there are all signs of his ineptitude and all within the first hundred days.

While pushing away from, and then trying to get back in favor with, Britain Obama has been busy giving town hall speeches to Turks declaring that the United States does not consider itself a Christian or Jewish nation.   Strangely, the US does not have to define itself, nor let any individual define the US either.   When the vast majority of a country is of one form of faith then it is structured as such. The President should realize, unless he is too to understand that values always get translated into laws, ethics, and morality, then we are completely influenced by the largest single moral guide:  The Christian Bible.  Why? Because the majority of the people in the US is Christian.   Why has Iraq colored its laws in an Islamic frame?   Because the vast majority are Muslim.   This is not an insult or some sort of indictment; this is just a simple reality.  Why would someone need to backtrack and act like this is not the case unless that person is not happy with the current standing.   After 20 years of having Minister Wright as a moral lighthouse, perhaps I’d be turned from Christianity as well.

Obama also wants to get in bed with Cuba, cater to Venezuela, and make threats to North Korea with no plans of following through what so ever.   His cowardice and willingness to reverse so many US positions is giving more power to those who despise us.  This charity for our adversaries does go into the idea of spreading the wealth, but int his case it the wealth of international power and that is at the detriment of the United States.   His foolishness weakens the US, his stupidity makes it impossible for him to realize it, and his naivety makes him willing to give more away.

How much longer will Americans tolerate this?


We all have heard jokes about, and at the expense of, lawyers.

We all know stories of how lawyers bastardize the idea of legal justice in order to get their client either a bigger award or off the hook.

Most people do not like all the lawsuits and corruption in the courtroom.

Is it any irony that so many people in Congress are or were lawyers?  The same people who work for those big law firms get to also be the ones who…   WRITE the laws of the land.   Is this not a conflict of interest?

A telling statistic shows that, of all lawyers and law firms, during the last election cycle, lawyers gave a total of $232,323,361.  That’s over $232 million dollars.  Because some many people like to act like one party is the same as the other, the natural assumption is that the money was handed out relatively equally.  This idea could not be further from the truth.  76% of the money, or $177,436,159 was given to Democrats.

Barack Obama (D) graph $42,861,936
Hillary Clinton (D) graph $15,749,506
John McCain (R) graph $10,116,660
John Edwards (D) graph $7,808,769
Rudolph W. Giuliani (R) graph $4,196,831
Mitt Romney (R) graph $2,842,810
Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D) graph $2,343,747
Bill Richardson (D) graph $1,887,325
Christopher J. Dodd (D) graph $1,233,801
Fred Thompson (R) graph $1,063,219
Mike Huckabee (R) graph $363,347
Ron Paul (R) graph $267,188
Thomas J. Vilsack (D) graph $118,700
Sam Brownback (R) graph $79,954
Tommy Thompson (R) graph $63,293
Ralph Nader (I) graph $52,988
Dennis J. Kucinich (D) graph $37,231
Duncan Hunter (R) graph $36,250
Jim Gilmore (R) graph $30,050
Tom Tancredo (R) graph $13,930
Bob Barr (L) graph $11,500
Mike Gravel (D) graph $5,050
Alan Keyes (R) graph $4,050
Cynthia McKinney (3) graph $2,200

Why would so many people who know the effects of our sue-happy society filled with people bringing suits against each other for the most idiotic of reasons vote for people who are in bed with the problem?

Do people actually know who is backing the party determined to take our money and thus our easiest form of freedom?  They threaten to change everything you do and they do they make these threats via fear mongering in the name of the poor, children, minorities, and the environment.  When they cannot win with arguments they then turn to their friends in Congress and lawyers to make laws and then using special interests like the ACLU they sue to force the courts to change the way we live our daily lives.    Because the vast majority of us in the country do believe in the word of law, we do not fight since we foolishly assume that all others want the same thing we do.

How much longer will you permit these people to reign over your freedom and threaten your way of living?

The Audacity of the International Elite

A perfect example of why local control is to be preferred over control that is further removed from our immediate control would be when United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared, in Congress,  that we the people of the United States of America are ‘deadbeats’ when it comes to paying the 22% of the operating costs we agree to do because we are not as prompt as he’d like.

As expected from any sovereign nation, our Congressmen stood up to such language and expressed their shock at such presumptive elitism coming from a non-elected figurehead of an increasingly irrelevant international social club.  Unfortunately this was not the case, and as may be expected those more likely to side with the non-elected figurehead were Democrats.

A Republican did speak up, “He used the word ‘deadbeat’ when it came to characterizing the United States. I take great umbrage (over) that,” Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the panel’s senior Republican, said after an hour-long, closed-door meeting. “We certainly contribute a whole lot of U.S. taxpayer dollars to that organization. We do not deserve such a phrase.”

Democrats responded with, Ban generally got a “very respectful” reception from the House committee, said Rep. Bill Delahunt, D-Mass., who chairs a subcommittee that oversees U.S. participation in the United Nations. “Clearly they have an interest in the United States meeting its responsibility. In terms of peacekeeping, we’re about $670 million behind, and I think the argument is well-stated,” Delahunt said.

Delahunt, a well established Democrat has a history of voting against anything in defense of the country — especially if backed by Republicans such as when he voted against HR2462 which was for continued funding our own troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, he voted no to go into Iraq (H J Res 114), he voted no on the Global War on Terror Bill (H Res 861 – not to be confused with the PATRIOT Act) and he voted no on the National Defense Authorization Ace FY2003 which was the first non-emergency funding after the September 11th attacks, including $7.3 billion for counter-terrorism programs, including $200 million for nuclear materials and weapons protection, $15.7 billion for the Defense Department, $5.8 billion for the Homeland Security Department, $7.8 billion for Ballistic Missile Defense programs, $56.7 billion for military research and development, eliminates a law that cuts the amount of retirement pay veterans receive if they receive disability compensation, and authorizes a 4.1 percent pay increase for military personnel; up to 6.5 percent for mid-level personnel.  What should then strike the reader as out of character is when [h]e noted America backs U.N. peacekeeping operations — and said it loses credibility if it doesn’t provide financial support. “And at the same time, we have to recognize that there are no American troops involved in the 17 different venues where there are peacekeeping operations.” It would appear he would not mind US soldiers dying for fights the UN deems worthwhile, but not when people in his own nation feel going to war is right.  He’ll side with unelected figure-heads over his own President…  especially if he is not a member of the correct party.

No one was reported to be taken aback at the idea that we ware deadbeats enough to bring up the fact that we’re already deficit spending like we just don’t care and that perhaps now would be a good time to cut back or eliminate dues to social clubs.  If it hard enough to think that people in Washington have your best interests in mind, even after being elected, what do you think some non-elected international big wig thinks about your opinion?   Why does anyone continue to support the United Nations as a whole unless they do not mind lack of control or accountability?

Abuse of Power, Assumption of Priviledge

It is reported that Nancy Pelosi, the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives is making demands upon the Department of Defense, and particularly the United States Air Force to fly her, her staff, and even her family around.

From the article: “In one e-mail, aide Kay King complained to the military that they had not made available any aircraft the House speaker wanted for Memorial Day recess. “It is my understanding there are NO G5s available for the House during the Memorial Day recess. This is totally unacceptable … The Speaker will want to know where the planes are,” King wrote.

There are some assumptions made in that statement which show how Washington politicians expect to be treated as the ruling class and how everyone else must cater to them.

An example, “This is totally unacceptable” shows that Ms. King, acting on behalf of Speaker Pelosi, determines what is right and good for the USAF and that when they do not conform with the whimiscal desires of the staff of a single congressman, “The Speaker will want to know where the planes are” the USAF will be held accountable to that congressman.

This abuse of power and assumption of privledge is further illustrated with the whining guilt-trip Ms. King writes, “This is not good news, and we will have some very disappointed folks, as well as a very upset Speaker.” I’m certain many Air Force Personnel cried themselves to sleep knowing that she was upset, and that her entourage would be disappointed that they might have to make their own travel plans as any other citizen of this country would be expected to do.

Yes, it is true that after 11 Sept, the White House authorized that the Speaker, being so close in line of succession should fly military, but the idea that she calls the shots on how this is to be accomplished is a travesty and a mockery to the USAF.  It is a wonderful perk that ‘folks’ get this luxury as well as the Speaker (unless the military lets them down).  Going on a recess, i.e. not gov’t work, and then complaining that what you want for your private excursion is not available is far too elitist.

Going back to my initial statements:  Imagine a  head of a city council try to pull that on a city’s budget.  You tell me where you want the most power to lie.