Tag Archives: Pregnancy

Killing in the Womb based in the Sex of the Child

Full article here:

Swedish health authorities have ruled that gender-based abortion is not illegal according to current law and can not therefore be stopped, according to a report by Sveriges Television.

No, there is no health risk, there is no contrived mental health risk, there is no economic strain on the family, the mother, or the aborted child.   To put it plainly, “Mom didn’t want another daughter.”The woman, who already had two daughters, requested an amniocentesis in order to allay concerns about possible chromosome abnormalities. At the same time, she also asked to know the foetus’s gender.

Doctors at Mälaren Hospital expressed concern and asked Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) to draw up guidelines on how to handle requests in the future in which they “feel pressured to examine the foetus’s gender” without having a medically compelling reason to do so.

The board has now responded that such requests and thus abortions can not be refused and that it is not possible to deny a woman an abortion up to the 18th week of pregnancy, even if the foetus’s gender is the basis for the request.

The death of children at the whim of the mother is a pathetic state of affairs in our modern society.  A previous article of mine explains why scientifically abortion is obviously the termination of a human life, but here we can see how science plays no role in the issue because it is now a  Women’s Rights Issue.   Except of course for the female who just killed by her own mother for the simple fact that she was a female.  But that child does not pay taxes, does not protest, scream at the cameras, nor carry signs for a feminist agenda, so the government nor the special interests care about the death of the child.

I’m sure this happens frequently in the United States as well.   Children get to die in order to keep mommy happy.  Think about this, please.

Abortion and Science

With the issue in the news again dealing with President Obama’s decision on what a health provider must do in relation to abortion, it is a good time to question why, when we have legal definitions for murder, theft, rape, and many other topics, why the issue of life has not come up as being something worth defining.

As a matter of principle I find it of no good use or value to bring religion or any other matter of faith, hope, or any other non-definitive source for such an important definition.  As a matter of the same principle, we should use science when possible and see if they have any good, solid information on the subject.   For that I turn to the study of biology.

Astrobiology Magazine has an article about this:

Living things resist entropy by taking in nutrients. This biochemical process of taking in energy for activities and expelling waste byproducts is known as a “metabolism.” If metabolism is a sign of life, scientists can look for the waste byproducts of a metabolism when searching for life on other worlds.

Another quality of all life on Earth is a dependence on water. Since water plays such a crucial role in all known life forms, many scientists believe that water-use will be a quality universal to all life. But Benton Clark, an astrobiologist with the University of Colorado and Lockheed Martin, says that water is really a side issue.

According to Clark, living organisms exhibit at least 102 observable qualities. Adding all these qualities together into a single – if exceedingly long – definition still does not capture the essence of life. But Clark has picked out three qualities from this list that he considers universal, creating a new definition of life. This definition says that “life reproduces, and life uses energy. These functions follow a set of instructions embedded within the organism.” The instructions are the DNA and RNA “letters” that make up the genetic code in all organisms on Earth.

Dictionary.com defines life (first definition) as: the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

With these solid and agreeing definitions in mind we can look into what makes a human a human:  DNA.


When the sperm find the egg, the first one to penetrate the egg creates a barrier to all the other sperm. The cells of the fertilized egg (zygote) begin to multiply, staying clustered together in a ball. This ball of cells, called a blastocyst, slowly makes its way down to the uterus (three or four days after ovulation) and burrows into the uterine wall (five to seven days after ovulation), a process known as implantation. Even before the placenta and umbilical cord are formed, the cells of the developing embryo start getting their nourishment from the mother-to-be’s uterine wall.


DNA is the carrier of our genetic information, and is passed down from generation to generation. All of the cells in our bodies, except red blood cells, contain a copy of our DNA. At conception, a person receives DNA from both the father and mother. We each have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Of each pair, one was received from the father and one was received from the mother. These 23 pairs of chromosomes are known as nuclear DNA because, with the exception of red blood cells, they reside in the nucleus of every cell in our body.

So, we have a scientific definition of life (as good as ti gets since a virus only has some of these and is a confusing concept, but for humans we have a good definition), we know when a human becomes a human (when 23 pairs of chromosomes combine at conception), and we also know that at conception there is growth, celular reporduction, and it requires nourishment.   This fits the definition of life as laid out by science.  DNA tells us this is a human life.  Not the life of the mother, not the life of the father, but an independent, unique life all of its own.   Even the sex has been determined via DNA at conception.   Conception creates a new life and that life is, without a doubt, human.

There are side arguments about this that I have heard like there is no heart and humans have a heart, so it is not a human.   This is not true.  Humans only need a heart when they are developed enough to need one in order to circulate blood to a variety of organs and parts of the body in a timely way.

Another argument is that the idea that killing that ‘group of cells’ (so called that because people have a hard time accepting the reality of the situation so euphemistically they refer to the fetus as anything but human) is nothing more than if someone cut off a chunk of finger.  No one would consider that to be ‘killing’.   Of course even cutting off a whole finger is not the same as terminating the life of a human since you would live through having a finger removed.   If however you sustained enough l damage that you could no longer heal, that cellular trauma would be considered death.   Human death.  If you destroy enough cells of a fetus, or if you make it so the fetus can not survive you are killing an individual human life.  Science says so, and it is not an opinion but a fact.

Another arguement is that many pregnancies are aborted by the mother’s body on their own, and if that happens did the mother kill it?   This thought process is confused in the idea that the mother has a choice what happens in her womb naturally.   This would be like saying someone who died in their sleep committed suicide since their body shut down.

Yet another argument outlines that a fetus is not a human because it can not live on its own outside the womb.  This sophomoric idea is folly for two reasons:  Science is making it so that babies can live outside the womb earlier and earlier, so this ‘moving target’ for a date when a baby becomes a human loses all value.  A second reason this is the argument of someone who has not given the subject great thought is to ask the person if a new born baby can survive for long outside the womb without maternal (or other human help).  At two months out of the womb, a baby is just a feeble as a baby with two months to go in the womb.  It still must be kept warm, fed, and protected — just like in the womb.

Science, not religion, can handle all of the answers one needs to understand what is going on.   The fetus is NOT part of the mother’s body since it has its own DNA, and it obviously is not part of the mother’s body if the fetus is male!  The baby resides inside the mother, but is not PART of her.

So now we have one side who knows that life begins at conception and understands that the life of children of any age is worth protecting going against a group who claim that killing such a human should be the choice of the mother.   It is almost as if the mother should be able to play the roll of Caesar and with the turn of a thumb life or death will be decided at Caesar’s whim.  Somehow this has been warped into a ‘woman’s rights’ issue, as if about of the abortions are not destroying females.   But since those females have yet to burn a bra or claim oppression at the hands of a man, they could far less.   They also can not give to the cause — neither money nor time, and as a matter of fact, pregnancy could take a feminist out of the picture while giving birth and that can’t help the cause.  Because of this they count less as humans, and as matter of fact for many liberals the life of a murderer is more valuable than that of an baby about to be born since they will fight harder to get someone off of death row than to keep a baby alive.

When thinking of this issue, do not let foolish arguments get in the way of scientific facts:

A fetus is alive

A fetus is an individual human

A fetus looks like this:

Human Fetus - 8 Weeks

Human Fetus - 8 Weeks

Human Fetus - 9 Weeks

Human Fetus - 9 Weeks

Human Fetus - 11 Weeks

Human Fetus - 11 Weeks

Human Fetus - 22 Weeks

Human Fetus - 22 Weeks

Human Fetus - 24 Weeks

Human Fetus - 24 Weeks

The Laughable Idea of Changing One’s Sex

It is reported, A 25-year-old transsexual Spaniard claims to be pregnant with twins after artificial insemination in the first such case in Spain, local media reported on Sunday.”I am six-and-a-half weeks pregnant,” Ruben Noe Coronado Jimenez, initially named Estefania, told the popular magazine Pronto, saying he took treatment to restart his menstrual cycle.”

The statement that, “he took treatment to restart his menstrual cycle” is one of complete idiocy and is a lie.  ‘He’ is not a he but a she.  Idiocy because we are acting as if cutting off, or adding flesh to a certain area, or areas magically changes your sex.   This is as false as can be.  “The 23rd pair of human chromosomes determine gender. Human females carry two X chromosomes: one inherited from the mother, one from the father. Human males carry one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Males inherit their X chromosome from their mothers and their Y chromosome from their fathers.” ¹ That is the scientific answer, though the term gender should not be tossed around as being a synonym for the word sex.

It is one of the more laughable ideas also because usually people on the left tend to mock religion as abandoning or ignoring science and reason, yet here is a great example of the left being just as guilty, and hypocritically so, when it seems like a neat thing to do.   So, in the end, no matter how much cutting and designing of flesh one engages in, no matter how much estrogen or testosterone one is administered, you will not change the fact that you are as you were born. Yes, there are some people who have genetic problems with this, like those with Turner’s Syndrome, but that is a different discussion.

In the story, SHE is pregnant, SHE will be giving birth, and SHE will then try to be something that she is not.   Although I find it revolting in every form, I personally do not care what one cuts off or sticks on one’s own body, but I completely object to the idea that is transforms your sex from male to female or vice versa given the fact that science supplies a perfectly good rationale for knowing that sex doesn’t change because of an operation or some hormones.  Science does this, not religion, not personal opinion.  This is fact.  Please do not further people in their delusions that one’s sex can change because of these things.