Tag Archives: Justice

Foreigners, Terrorists, and the Constitution

The preamble of the Constitution says the following:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

When we take a close look at that paragraph we can see the first few words clearly, “We the people of the United States…”   Without getting into the fine details of grammar, this is the subject of the sentence, it is ‘we the people’ who do all that is mentioned afterward, and that is what is important.  We do the following: establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for common defense, promote general welfare, and most importantly SECURE THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY TO OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY ordain and establish the Constitution.

I have bolded this part because, while listing all of the items is important, “We the people secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our children, etc.” is the most important idea.  We do not secure the blessings of liberty for the Germans, nor for the Sudanese, nor anyone else.  The Constitution is meant to serve us, We the People, not to serve or protect foreigners who attack us and wish to see us and our Constitution destroyed.  Anything We the People decide to willfully extend to foreigners is just that: an extension based on good will, NOT a promise to the same protections We the People have secured for ourselves.  Courts and judges have tried to force us, the people, to grant the same protections and rights to foreign terrorists as if they were a citizen who might be accused of stealing a pair of shoes from a neighborhood store.

In what sane mind can one actually think that granting Constitutional protections to those dedicated to destroying the Constitution and our culture is a good idea?  If we win, they get to be imprisoned and write motivational letters to help in the war against us.  IF we lose…  there will be no Constitution, though there may be sharia.

We the People need to stand up and guard jealously our liberty and re-secure it against those who wish to take it from us, or extend it to those who want to destroy us.

Killing in the Womb based in the Sex of the Child

Full article here:

Swedish health authorities have ruled that gender-based abortion is not illegal according to current law and can not therefore be stopped, according to a report by Sveriges Television.

No, there is no health risk, there is no contrived mental health risk, there is no economic strain on the family, the mother, or the aborted child.   To put it plainly, “Mom didn’t want another daughter.”The woman, who already had two daughters, requested an amniocentesis in order to allay concerns about possible chromosome abnormalities. At the same time, she also asked to know the foetus’s gender.

Doctors at Mälaren Hospital expressed concern and asked Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) to draw up guidelines on how to handle requests in the future in which they “feel pressured to examine the foetus’s gender” without having a medically compelling reason to do so.

The board has now responded that such requests and thus abortions can not be refused and that it is not possible to deny a woman an abortion up to the 18th week of pregnancy, even if the foetus’s gender is the basis for the request.

The death of children at the whim of the mother is a pathetic state of affairs in our modern society.  A previous article of mine explains why scientifically abortion is obviously the termination of a human life, but here we can see how science plays no role in the issue because it is now a  Women’s Rights Issue.   Except of course for the female who just killed by her own mother for the simple fact that she was a female.  But that child does not pay taxes, does not protest, scream at the cameras, nor carry signs for a feminist agenda, so the government nor the special interests care about the death of the child.

I’m sure this happens frequently in the United States as well.   Children get to die in order to keep mommy happy.  Think about this, please.

Pirate ‘Duped’, Time to Make Sure Others Don’t Make Same Mistake

The New York Daily News reports that the captured pirate now in New York City didn’t find the booty he was looking for in the end.

He shed some tears, which I’m sure is something not permitted in the Pirate Code.

In all seriousness, his mother said the following:

She said her son should not be held responsible for the Maersk hijacking.

“He was brainwashed. People who are older than him outwitted him, people who are older than him duped him,” she said.

“I cried when I saw the picture of him,” Hassan said of the arrest photo. “Relatives brought a copy of the picture to me. Surely he is telling himself now, ‘My mother’s heart is broken.'”

Surely he should be worrying about more than his mother’s heart.   Here is where the rubber meets the road; and while I’m certain he is younger man and I am also certain he was probably convinced that heading out to become a pirate would be a great thing to do for fun and profit, I am also certain that the best way to dissuade others from following suit is to hammer him to the wall and make sure everyone knows.

The longer people think they have an easy way to make millions of dollars in ransom, the longer people will take ships, crews, and goods.  The idea that they are just misunderstood people trying to get ahead in an area of the world where nothing is too good at all is as foolish as saying a homeless person can take money from someone walking by since, hey, he needed it more.  I know there are some liberals who do believe the above statement, and to be sure, I spend enough time focusing on that idiocy, so for now we should focus on pirates.

Convict this felon as an adult, make an example out of him, and have our navy actively engaging pirates and suspected pirates until the seas are clean.   If you want to carry guns and act tough and threat people with violence and death, then be prepared for someone to call you on it and take you at your word: kill or be killed.   The situation has escalated, and the only way the US Navy can lose is if the White House or lawyers hamper them.


Lovelle Mixon will Rot in Hell

And that is exactly what he deserves.

But wait, there are actual people in this world who think he is a hero?  Those people need to be deported to somewhere quite unpleasant for their stupidity and willingness to insult those serving in one of the most thankless jobs around.

One fool who actually professed his stupidity, first hand, and for all to see said, “I don’t condone what he did, but karma comes around. What goes around comes around.”

This brilliance is of course true, a murderous thug who runs away after shooting police who are stopping him because he’s too much of an idiot to check in for parole get killed.   Too bad for the murderous thug I guess right?   No way.   Too bad for the four police officers who were shot while trying take such an imbecile off the street.  Too bad the city had to lose four fine officers doing their job to protect a thankless crowd of hooligans and anarchists who can not keep their own city clean while they live in their own filth and squalor; the whole time they complain about this and that without ever looking at themselves as the possible reason for their own conditions.

The ACLU on one hand complains:

Dodging Responsibility for Inadequate Police Presence?

Many neighborhoods report that inadequate police presence has been a persistent and growing problem. The Washington Post has noted poor police presence in several stories on particular D.C. crime. Here are just three examples:

District Shaken by Spate of Violence; Six Killed, Three Injured in Four Days; Residents Criticize Poor Police Presence (Mar. 14, 2002; Page B4)

D.C. Officers to Put In More Street Time; At Crime Forum, Chief Responds to Complaints (Jan.26, 2003; Page C6)

Police Meet With Public, But Officers Are Scarce (Mar. 20, 2003; Page T3)

The ACLU also complains about police presence:

Criminalizing the Classroom: The Over-Policing of New York City Public Schools, a joint-report by the NYCLU and ACLU, showed how the massive police presence in city schools negatively affects students, especially students of color.

What then should the police do?  Too few police is a travesty of justice, too many police and you become racist.  When groups like the ACLU do nothing more than flame the fires of discontent and bring lawsuit after lawsuit against the same cities responsible for trying to contain and reduce crime, this is the result you get:  A group of angry lower-class, ignorant protesters who make a hero out of a murderous scumbag to prove a point, though that point loses credibility when they attempt to make it in this situation.

I know, perhaps if they riot and burn down their own neighborhoods the point will be driven home.