Category Archives: ACLU

I am a Threat to the United States

So the Department of Homeland Security says under the rule of Janet Napolitano, “The department “is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities,” the report said.”

Yet, the report also says, “DHS had no specific information about pending violence and said threats had so far been “largely rhetorical.”

Let’s count the ways in which I may be considered a threat to Obama’s version of what America should be:

1) White Supremacist Groups

– While I am not racist, I am white and I find Kwanzaa stupid, so I might qualify in the broad new definition soon to follow I’m sure.

2) Anti-Government Extremists

– Government has its place, but not in the way Obama wants it to be, so I’m probably considered a threat to them on this count.

3) Militia Movements

– Not so much, but I do own guns, so that probably qualifies me

4) Oppose Abortion

– See this .   Definitely a strike against me there.

5) Immigration

– Foolish people will not call it ILLEGAL immigration — against which I am.

6) Oppose gun laws

– Ding!

So in the end I found out I am an extremist and a threat to the United States.   No, DHS, I’m  not a threat to the United States, I’m one of those who wish to preserve the United States.

How much longer will Americans elect the types of people who appoint agenda-driven bureaucrats to positions where they have the power to investigate, monitor, or even harass people due to their political and social views?   I’m not the one threatening to destroy Western civilization, nor the United States…  Those views need to be monitored, but the ACLU protects them.  Stop voting these people into power!

Lovelle Mixon will Rot in Hell

And that is exactly what he deserves.

But wait, there are actual people in this world who think he is a hero?  Those people need to be deported to somewhere quite unpleasant for their stupidity and willingness to insult those serving in one of the most thankless jobs around.

One fool who actually professed his stupidity, first hand, and for all to see said, “I don’t condone what he did, but karma comes around. What goes around comes around.”

This brilliance is of course true, a murderous thug who runs away after shooting police who are stopping him because he’s too much of an idiot to check in for parole get killed.   Too bad for the murderous thug I guess right?   No way.   Too bad for the four police officers who were shot while trying take such an imbecile off the street.  Too bad the city had to lose four fine officers doing their job to protect a thankless crowd of hooligans and anarchists who can not keep their own city clean while they live in their own filth and squalor; the whole time they complain about this and that without ever looking at themselves as the possible reason for their own conditions.

The ACLU on one hand complains:

Dodging Responsibility for Inadequate Police Presence?

Many neighborhoods report that inadequate police presence has been a persistent and growing problem. The Washington Post has noted poor police presence in several stories on particular D.C. crime. Here are just three examples:

District Shaken by Spate of Violence; Six Killed, Three Injured in Four Days; Residents Criticize Poor Police Presence (Mar. 14, 2002; Page B4)

D.C. Officers to Put In More Street Time; At Crime Forum, Chief Responds to Complaints (Jan.26, 2003; Page C6)

Police Meet With Public, But Officers Are Scarce (Mar. 20, 2003; Page T3)

The ACLU also complains about police presence:

Criminalizing the Classroom: The Over-Policing of New York City Public Schools, a joint-report by the NYCLU and ACLU, showed how the massive police presence in city schools negatively affects students, especially students of color.

What then should the police do?  Too few police is a travesty of justice, too many police and you become racist.  When groups like the ACLU do nothing more than flame the fires of discontent and bring lawsuit after lawsuit against the same cities responsible for trying to contain and reduce crime, this is the result you get:  A group of angry lower-class, ignorant protesters who make a hero out of a murderous scumbag to prove a point, though that point loses credibility when they attempt to make it in this situation.

I know, perhaps if they riot and burn down their own neighborhoods the point will be driven home.