Daily Archives: 22 April 2009

Even Canadians Wonder about Janet

The National Post has an op ed asking:

Can someone please tell us how U. S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano got her job? She appears to be about as knowledgeable about border issues as a late-night radio call-in yahoo.

In an interview broadcast Monday on the CBC, Ms. Napolitano attempted to justify her call for stricter border security on the premise that “suspected or known terrorists” have entered the U. S. across the Canadian border, including the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack.

All the 9/11 terrorists, of course, entered the United States directly from overseas. The notion that some arrived via Canada is a myth that briefly popped up in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, and was then quickly debunked.

Informed of her error, Ms. Napolitano blustered: “I can’t talk to that. I can talk about the future. And here’s the future. The future is we have borders.”

Just what does that mean, exactly?

Just a few weeks ago, Ms. Napolitano equated Canada’s border to Mexico’s, suggesting they deserved the same treatment. Mexico is engulfed in a drug war that left more than 5,000 dead last year, and which is spawning a spillover kidnapping epidemic in Arizona. So many Mexicans enter the United States illegally that a multi-billion-dollar barrier has been built from Texas to California to keep them out.

In Canada, on the other hand, the main problem is congestion resulting from cross-border trade. Not quite the same thing, is it?

Good pick President Obama, she’s a complete partisan hack who vilifies conservatives, is too stupid to be able to know the difference between the Canadian border and the Mexico Border, and actually said, “I can’t talk to that. I can talk about the future. And here’s the future. The future is we have borders,” as if that statement has any meaning at all.   It’s a pathetic attempt to blow off a real question.  Of course the attempt succeeds but only because she decides not to answer, not because she was clever or spinning the situation successfully.

How much longer will the people of this country permit idiocy on this level to continue?  We need to take control of the situation and stop such foolishness.