The EPA to Regulate our Lives in the Name of Protecting the Weather

It’s reported that the EPA has declared, that greenhouse gases linked to climate change “endanger public health and welfare,”“.   Because of this bold statement the EPA is set to regulate CO2 emissions (yes, the stuff we and all animals exhale).
The EPA’s report is foolish as quoted, “[t]he agency said in its finding that “in both magnitude and probability, climate change is an enormous problem”” .   Probability?   Does that sentence even make sense?  It is something to note that climate change is still only a probable happening — even to those who swear by it, it is not definate, just probable.   Of course, how does one measure the magnitude of something which is only probable?   The wording is as shaky as the premise itself since Denver is expecting snowfall of up to two feet this weekend, and even Las Vegas is getting snow.  A funny thing to quote from there as well is that, “[t]he National Weather Service said Wednesday’s high was 59 degrees, which fell short of the record low high of 56 degrees set in 1998.”

Wow, two of the coldest days EVER this late in April happening only 11 years apart…  both during this period of ‘global warming’??!?!?!   How is this possible?   We know how:  Global Warming needed to be changed to ‘Climate Change’ so that any notable weather could be made to fit the agenda because global warming as a whole isn’t so dangerous and isn’t man-made.

Now that we have President Obama’s Administration to limit our activities and control more industries that he already is with the bail out money, he’ll get right on with more control with scare tactics related to freezing or dying of heat exhaustion.

Keep on voting for these types and keep watching the control increase.

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