Daily Archives: 15 April 2009

Susan Roesgen, CNN and Bias

Here’s the video

Susan’s comments are telling for certain.

After interrupting someone while asking for their response, Susan then went off talking about how the man is eligible for $400. Not too long afterward the she talks about how Illinois is going to get $50 billion in stimulus.   What is wrong with these two statements?

Susan assumes that people should be happy to get money from other people.   She is confused as to why anyone would turn down money.   She can’t seem to figure out why people would not want handouts.   She is a liberal, she is the problem with America’s mentality.

I’d love dearest Susan to tell us all where, in the Constitution, it says the federal government can take money from person A and hand it to person B.  Liberals do not get the Constitution I guess.

Susan goes out of her way to show her bias in the most pathetic of ways as she acts offended by a portrayal of President Obama as Hitler.  She even mentions that it is offense since he is the president.   Yet as posted on NewsBusters, a big-headed mask of President Bush with a Hitler mustache and devil horns is, to her, a ‘look-alike’ to the actual president.  Not so offensive then?   Any who is hypocritical?

She is a mockery to the idea of being a reporter with her huge bias getting in the way of anything resembling neutrality.   Also, as a side note, she was doing a story about people asking for government handouts and the lack of enough government handouts from Bush.   See a pattern?   Taking money from person A to give to person B is a delightful idea to them, Constitution be damned.


The Governor of Texas has spoken!

There’s a lot of different scenarios,” Perry said. “We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

Texas is a delightful place where people are not afraid to speak their minds, nor are they afraid to dissolve ties when those ties are more like shackles than willful and mutually beneficial connections.  People, all people, need to remember that the United States implies the State are united for a common cause.   As we move forward in time it becomes harder and harder to see what that common cause is.   The Constitution, this document, is an agreement amongst the states and it has less and less place in America, and with that, the union becomes less and less viable.

In Response…

A comment by futiledemocracy to a previous post left me wondering if he ever even thought about what he wrote, or if his words were only cut-and-pasted to anyone who has a problem with the DHS report.

His colorful comments are: “More bullshit from Right Winged America. You guys have labelled [sic] anyone who disagrees with your attempt at global economic dominance by any means necessary – an “extremist” a “commie” or “anti-American” for eight long pathetic years. Stop being hypocritical and bitter and deal with it. He hasn’t attacked the American right, he’s attacked extremism, and he’s right.”

First, ‘you guys’ is not true.  I am alone in my writing, and as far as I care, alone in my opinions.  This comment makes me think the post was a cookie-cutter response, or someone more willing to be inflamitory than actually discuss anything – which is fine, but not very useful.

‘Global economic dominance by any means necessary’?   Wow.   Here I am working my job daily, paying my taxes (today is tax day, isn’t it?), and then I find out I’m trying to dominate the global economy by any means?   My mean sof doing this is called inaction, and it is not working well; perhaps I should try harder to live up to this undeserved reputation.

Anti-American?   Some people are anti-American, though not because they stand in my way of global dominance.

Hypocritical and bitter?  Not really.  Again, I’m simply not pleased with the idea that a government agency is listing so many of my activities which are in line with the Constitution – DIRECTLY in line – as being suspect or to be flagged as being likely used by racists, etc.  I have guns, I like guns, I love the Constitution and the principles for which it stands and those who not wish to follow the Constitution are anti-American, and I do not really care if they are Republican or Democrat…  It just so happens to be the liklihood for someone to cherish the Constitution is a conservative over a liberal so my vote tends to go to the conservatives.  If anyone wishes to comment on the previous administration, I’ll be more than happy to explain my criticisms of it, but right now the more pressing issues lie in the current administration.

He has in fact attacked the right simply because this lengthy and detailed report focuses on RIGHT WING extremists, and it lists many of my own beliefs as being threatening to the United States.  Perhaps not ‘he’, but his administration’s DHS certainly has.

With all this in mind, I don’t see much substance to the comment, but it was funny to read anyhow.