I am a Threat to the United States

So the Department of Homeland Security says under the rule of Janet Napolitano, “The department “is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities,” the report said.”

Yet, the report also says, “DHS had no specific information about pending violence and said threats had so far been “largely rhetorical.”

Let’s count the ways in which I may be considered a threat to Obama’s version of what America should be:

1) White Supremacist Groups

– While I am not racist, I am white and I find Kwanzaa stupid, so I might qualify in the broad new definition soon to follow I’m sure.

2) Anti-Government Extremists

– Government has its place, but not in the way Obama wants it to be, so I’m probably considered a threat to them on this count.

3) Militia Movements

– Not so much, but I do own guns, so that probably qualifies me

4) Oppose Abortion

– See this .   Definitely a strike against me there.

5) Immigration

– Foolish people will not call it ILLEGAL immigration — against which I am.

6) Oppose gun laws

– Ding!

So in the end I found out I am an extremist and a threat to the United States.   No, DHS, I’m  not a threat to the United States, I’m one of those who wish to preserve the United States.

How much longer will Americans elect the types of people who appoint agenda-driven bureaucrats to positions where they have the power to investigate, monitor, or even harass people due to their political and social views?   I’m not the one threatening to destroy Western civilization, nor the United States…  Those views need to be monitored, but the ACLU protects them.  Stop voting these people into power!

One response to “I am a Threat to the United States

  1. More bullshit from Right Winged America.
    You guys have labelled anyone who disagrees with your attempt at global economic dominance by any means necessary – an “extremist” a “commie” or “anti-American” for eight long pathetic years.
    Stop being hypocritical and bitter and deal with it.
    He hasn’t attacked the American right, he’s attacked extremism, and he’s right.

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