Zero Tolerance = Zero Logic

Hugs have been banned in one Connecticut School.  Principal Catherine Williams sent out a letter earlier in the week telling parents recent behavior has seriously impacted the safety and learning at the school.”Observed behaviors of concern recently exhibited include kicking others in the groin area, grabbing and touching of others in personal areas, hugging and horseplay. Physical contact is prohibited to keep all students safe in the learning environment,” Williams wrote.

Instead of looking at situations children get in on a case-by-case basis and determining the correct response like an adult should be able to do, high-fives and hugging are now equated to kicking someone in the groin.  At this point it should be looked into in order to see if there is anyone who actually is an adult at that school.  Hammering down on pats on the back is supposed to keep everyone in a safe learning environment, but in reality it is another example of zero tolerance failing to do anything good at all.

Zero Tolerance is the weakest excuse for discipline possible.   Some people goof up, others are malicious, yet others might not even know there’s something wrong with their actions when it comes to touching someone else, so having the same policy for every case is laughable at best and outlines ineptitude at its worst.

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