Daily Archives: 25 March 2009


We all have heard jokes about, and at the expense of, lawyers.

We all know stories of how lawyers bastardize the idea of legal justice in order to get their client either a bigger award or off the hook.

Most people do not like all the lawsuits and corruption in the courtroom.

Is it any irony that so many people in Congress are or were lawyers?  The same people who work for those big law firms get to also be the ones who…   WRITE the laws of the land.   Is this not a conflict of interest?

A telling statistic shows that, of all lawyers and law firms, during the last election cycle, lawyers gave a total of $232,323,361.  That’s over $232 million dollars.  Because some many people like to act like one party is the same as the other, the natural assumption is that the money was handed out relatively equally.  This idea could not be further from the truth.  76% of the money, or $177,436,159 was given to Democrats.

Barack Obama (D) graph $42,861,936
Hillary Clinton (D) graph $15,749,506
John McCain (R) graph $10,116,660
John Edwards (D) graph $7,808,769
Rudolph W. Giuliani (R) graph $4,196,831
Mitt Romney (R) graph $2,842,810
Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D) graph $2,343,747
Bill Richardson (D) graph $1,887,325
Christopher J. Dodd (D) graph $1,233,801
Fred Thompson (R) graph $1,063,219
Mike Huckabee (R) graph $363,347
Ron Paul (R) graph $267,188
Thomas J. Vilsack (D) graph $118,700
Sam Brownback (R) graph $79,954
Tommy Thompson (R) graph $63,293
Ralph Nader (I) graph $52,988
Dennis J. Kucinich (D) graph $37,231
Duncan Hunter (R) graph $36,250
Jim Gilmore (R) graph $30,050
Tom Tancredo (R) graph $13,930
Bob Barr (L) graph $11,500
Mike Gravel (D) graph $5,050
Alan Keyes (R) graph $4,050
Cynthia McKinney (3) graph $2,200

Why would so many people who know the effects of our sue-happy society filled with people bringing suits against each other for the most idiotic of reasons vote for people who are in bed with the problem?

Do people actually know who is backing the party determined to take our money and thus our easiest form of freedom?  They threaten to change everything you do and they do they make these threats via fear mongering in the name of the poor, children, minorities, and the environment.  When they cannot win with arguments they then turn to their friends in Congress and lawyers to make laws and then using special interests like the ACLU they sue to force the courts to change the way we live our daily lives.    Because the vast majority of us in the country do believe in the word of law, we do not fight since we foolishly assume that all others want the same thing we do.

How much longer will you permit these people to reign over your freedom and threaten your way of living?