The Laughable Idea of Changing One’s Sex

It is reported, A 25-year-old transsexual Spaniard claims to be pregnant with twins after artificial insemination in the first such case in Spain, local media reported on Sunday.”I am six-and-a-half weeks pregnant,” Ruben Noe Coronado Jimenez, initially named Estefania, told the popular magazine Pronto, saying he took treatment to restart his menstrual cycle.”

The statement that, “he took treatment to restart his menstrual cycle” is one of complete idiocy and is a lie.  ‘He’ is not a he but a she.  Idiocy because we are acting as if cutting off, or adding flesh to a certain area, or areas magically changes your sex.   This is as false as can be.  “The 23rd pair of human chromosomes determine gender. Human females carry two X chromosomes: one inherited from the mother, one from the father. Human males carry one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Males inherit their X chromosome from their mothers and their Y chromosome from their fathers.” ¹ That is the scientific answer, though the term gender should not be tossed around as being a synonym for the word sex.

It is one of the more laughable ideas also because usually people on the left tend to mock religion as abandoning or ignoring science and reason, yet here is a great example of the left being just as guilty, and hypocritically so, when it seems like a neat thing to do.   So, in the end, no matter how much cutting and designing of flesh one engages in, no matter how much estrogen or testosterone one is administered, you will not change the fact that you are as you were born. Yes, there are some people who have genetic problems with this, like those with Turner’s Syndrome, but that is a different discussion.

In the story, SHE is pregnant, SHE will be giving birth, and SHE will then try to be something that she is not.   Although I find it revolting in every form, I personally do not care what one cuts off or sticks on one’s own body, but I completely object to the idea that is transforms your sex from male to female or vice versa given the fact that science supplies a perfectly good rationale for knowing that sex doesn’t change because of an operation or some hormones.  Science does this, not religion, not personal opinion.  This is fact.  Please do not further people in their delusions that one’s sex can change because of these things.

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