Daily Archives: 22 March 2009

What, Obama Worry?

Initially there was a crisis, then President Obama was down-playing it all, and now he yucks it up.  In his 60 Minutes interview the President seemed quite content to laugh it all away:

His remarks came in a “60 Minutes” interview in which he was pressed by an incredulous Steve Kroft for laughing and chuckling several times while discussing the perilous state of the world’s economy.“You’re sitting here. And you’re— you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems. Are people going to look at this and say, ‘I mean, he’s sitting there just making jokes about money—’ How do you deal with— I mean: explain. . .” Kroft asks at one point. “Are you punch-drunk?” Kroft says.
“No, no. There’s gotta be a little gallows humor to get you through the day,” Obama says, with a laugh.

The running ideas of comparing the situation to the one faced by Roosevelt fails on so many levels, and most obviously his current levity regarding putting $1 trillion of new currency into the financial world is not fit to compare to the actual Great Depression.

Hope and Change?   Change is all that’s left from the dollar bill I used to have, so I guess he can laugh it up with his ex-Fannie Mae multi-millionaire friends who now hold positions in his administration.   I guess he is laughing; he is laughing at us.

How much longer will you tolerate such elitist, out of touch, people in positions in power?  How much longer will America permit the Federal government to have and abuse all this power?

Slanted Media?

Is there anyone who still does not think there is a media bias in favor of President Obama?  The media has fallen in love with the idea of the Obama Presidency so much that are willing to ignore stories which may tarnish their own estimation of his pending greatness, and they will also bury any attempts by thier own people who decide to be critical.   This is the state of today’s media, this is the state of today’s political atmosphere.   Luckily our friends across the pond have not bought into this idiocy and they have not shirked their duties to report and inform both the positives (few and far between these days) and the negatives.

This article at the Telegraph is a good example of things you may or may not have heard about:

Just after he’s been sworn in by him, the newly-minted Vice President Joe Biden gets the name of Justice John Paul Stevens, “one of the great justices” of the Supreme Court, wrong by calling him “Justice Stewart”.

If the VPs name were Dan Quayle I know we’d still be hearing about this inability to get the name correct of someone who the VP thinks is a great justice.  Didn’t make the news?   Too inconsequential to bother reporting?  Perhaps.

Barack Obama jokes about Nancy Reagan having séances in the White House. He later called her to apologise after the AP noted that although she had consulted astrologers, “she did not hold conversations with the dead”.

I’m not a big believer in astrology, to be fair, but the usual habit of not speaking ill or mocking of former presidents or their families seems to be a lost art for modern Democrats.  Poor form for the new President.  Didn’t make the news?   Too inconsequential to bother reporting?  Perhaps.

Joe Biden forgets the “website number” for the White House internet site designed to show how TARP money is being spent.

This seems like a small error, but as I recall the Obama campaign railed against a technologically illiterate John McCain because he doesn’t send emails, and does not use the web until it was reported the reason being due to the injuries sustained while being tortured as a POW.   The media ran with the out of touch line, but when the truth as to why came out they were silent and simply dropped the angle.   What is Bidden’s excuse for 1) not knowing the web site for such a historically large bill,  and 2) not even knowing the correct term for the website — and please do not claim he was asking for the IP address.  Didn’t make the news?   Too inconsequential to bother reporting?  Perhaps.

A Marine One double. First, on his maiden Marine One trip Obama breaches protocol and makes life uncomfortable for an enlisted marine by shaking the the serviceman’s hand as he’s saluting his commander-in-chief, then – Gerald Ford, eat your heart out. Barack Obama bangs his head as he boards his helicopter.

I’m not so concerned with biffing his head, but when you become Commander-in-Chief, is it not worth your time to know some of the protocols and expectations of the position since you will be publicly interacting with members of the branches of the military which you now command?   The election was won in early November but he was never briefed, or just does not care?  Didn’t make the news?   Too inconsequential to bother reporting?  Perhaps.

Joe Biden tells his wife that he had the choice of being either Secretary of State or vice-president – an offer that was news to Obama aides and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when Jill Biden spilled the beans on Oprah.

A candid moment from the VPs wife results in…  nothing for the media.   Seems intriguing to see that such high level positions were being tossed around and that, evidently Joe was given pick before Hillary.   Any news-worthy items there?   I guess not.  Didn’t make the news out side of Oprah’s show?   Too inconsequential to bother reporting?  Perhaps.

Gordon Brown presents the new President with: a pen holder carved from the timbers of HMS Gannett, a sister ship of HMS Resolute; the commissioning certificate of HMS Resolute; and a seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill. In return, the Prime minister gets 25 DVDS, which don’t work in Britain.

This one is unforgivable.  This arrogance and inconsideration is topped off with a large dose of stupidity.  Let’s not forget also that a State Department official declared [t]he real views of many in Obama administration were laid bare by a State Department official involved in planning the Brown visit, who reacted with fury when questioned by The Sunday Telegraph about why the event was so low-key. The official dismissed any notion of the special relationship, saying: “There’s nothing special about Britain. You’re just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn’t expect special treatment.

These arrogant fools in the White House now want to equate the relationship we have with the United Kingdom to being on the same level as, and no more important than, our relationship with, say, Iceland?  I’m uncertain if this Administration is aware as to how many British soldiers have given their lives to honor the treaties and requests of the United States in overseas engagement.  What we have with the United Kingdom is special, and if the Democrats in power can not see that, then their worthless ideas of culrutal relativism are firmly in place.

How much longer are you willing to accept people like this as being the best possible candidates to represent us at the federal level?

Unelected Officials to have Authority of Company Payrolls?

The New York Times reports, That proposal would, for instance, make it easier for the government to cancel bonus contracts like those given to executives at the American International Group which have stoked a political furor. Under the proposal, the Treasury secretary would have the authority to seize and wind down a struggling institution after consulting with the president and upon the recommendation of two-thirds of the Federal Reserve board.”

The Treasury secretary (unelected) would have the power to seize a ‘struggling’ institution after merely consulting (what does that mean?) with the president, and upon recommendation of two-thirds the Federal Reserve board (none of whom are elected).  Consultation with the president could mean something like, “Mr. President, I think I’d like to be the new CEO of Microsoft, and I think some other unelected bureaucrats agree.  The company is distressed in the estimation of the the Fed. because of the personal scandal involving the current CEO and since many of the government systems use Microsoft was their operating system, it is in the interest of both the public and the nation as a whole to seize.”

It would be sort of like a mini-UN worth of unelected elitists getting to call the shots, but unlike the UN these career bureaucrats would have the backing of US law to walk Federal Agents through the front door and by force of law (thus force of gun) remove executives and change the policies of private institutions.  Why?  All because the elected officials of Congress passed a corporate charity bill without actually knowing what it said.  So because the failed efforts of Washington have come home to roost and neither party can adequately blame the other the only logical answer is to blame private citizens.  And since this is a small enough group of private citizens who make substantially more money than most, they can play the Marxist class-warfare strategy and single out this minority group of citizens to shoulder the blame because the average American won’t seem to notice or care… at this time.

Only days after deciding to create in incredibly large amount of fresh currency does the same federal government now plot to control even more of the market in an effort, as usually, to protect us all.   Strange how protecting us always results in more federal authority and  more of  ‘We the People’ having to either ask permission or completely losing the freedom to simply do it on our own.    And you want these same people to have more authority over you and your freedoms?