Abuse of Power, Assumption of Priviledge

It is reported that Nancy Pelosi, the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives is making demands upon the Department of Defense, and particularly the United States Air Force to fly her, her staff, and even her family around.

From the article: “In one e-mail, aide Kay King complained to the military that they had not made available any aircraft the House speaker wanted for Memorial Day recess. “It is my understanding there are NO G5s available for the House during the Memorial Day recess. This is totally unacceptable … The Speaker will want to know where the planes are,” King wrote.

There are some assumptions made in that statement which show how Washington politicians expect to be treated as the ruling class and how everyone else must cater to them.

An example, “This is totally unacceptable” shows that Ms. King, acting on behalf of Speaker Pelosi, determines what is right and good for the USAF and that when they do not conform with the whimiscal desires of the staff of a single congressman, “The Speaker will want to know where the planes are” the USAF will be held accountable to that congressman.

This abuse of power and assumption of privledge is further illustrated with the whining guilt-trip Ms. King writes, “This is not good news, and we will have some very disappointed folks, as well as a very upset Speaker.” I’m certain many Air Force Personnel cried themselves to sleep knowing that she was upset, and that her entourage would be disappointed that they might have to make their own travel plans as any other citizen of this country would be expected to do.

Yes, it is true that after 11 Sept, the White House authorized that the Speaker, being so close in line of succession should fly military, but the idea that she calls the shots on how this is to be accomplished is a travesty and a mockery to the USAF.  It is a wonderful perk that ‘folks’ get this luxury as well as the Speaker (unless the military lets them down).  Going on a recess, i.e. not gov’t work, and then complaining that what you want for your private excursion is not available is far too elitist.

Going back to my initial statements:  Imagine a  head of a city council try to pull that on a city’s budget.  You tell me where you want the most power to lie.

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